How we work
When you have a vacancy, we search our database of active candidates. Because of the relationships we've built over the years, much of the time they are exclusive to us.
We also conduct thorough searches to find passive candidates who match your brief. Even if they're not currently looking, they may know someone who will be perfect for you (this happens about 40% of the time).
Not only that, but we also coach you on how to best manage the recruitment process. This is important, because it helps you to beat the competition to attract the best people.
Here are some of the things we DON'T do.
• We don't bombard you with CVs. We only connect you with the right people for each job
• We don't use job boards. We have exclusive relationships with quality candidates and reach out to passive candidates in our network
• We don't call you every week asking if you have any vacancies. We only follow up when you ask us to
In short, we operate like a halfway house between contingency and retained recruitment, which is probably why 90% of our clients have stayed with us since the beginning.
Is this you?
We're fairly selective about who we work with.
Most of them are tier 1 design-led SMEs. Some are mid/large international consultancies, others are up-and-coming challenger companies.
Although many of our clients are based in London & the UK, we also partner with clients in the USA and Canada, thanks to the relationships we've developed over there.
For us to be able to help you, your company should be doing good work, offer a good working environment, and have good people running it. That's because we respect our candidates, and need to be able to attract people who are currently working in another consultancy to join yours.